Although the economic impotence of animal product sector ,
represents about 36% of Agricultural Domestic Product in Egypt, its
data experienced with shortage and inaccuracy. The Data estimated
each 10 years through the Agricultural Census ,also each 3 years by
Agricultural Provinces , under the supervision of Animal Production
Sector in MALR. These estimations need more efforts using one of the
statistical approach to be more accurate.
The study aims at using one of the least cost and more accurate
statistical method "Cluster Sample Technique" for estimating livestock
unit numbers in the traditional farm holders in Upper Egypt
governorates. Also measuring the accuracy level and indicating the
proper sample design.
322 holders were chosen and distributed randomly on 23
districts represented 8 governorates of upper Egypt. The outputs
indicated that the average size animal unites were about 4.135 &
3.174 & 5.194 & 3.415 & 4.745 & 2.612 & 2.10 units in Giza, Beni-
Suit. Fayoum, Menia, Assuit, Sohag, Qena and Aswan respectively. It
also showed that Cows and Buffalos represents 79% , 71% . 73% .
77% , 76% , 81% • 79% & 69% . with Standard Error 10%, 9%, 21% .
4% . 3% .. 2% . 3% &16% respectively. The output also showed a
J. Agrlc. ScI. Mansoura untv., 30 (9), September, 2005
significant differences between the sample and agriculture provinces
estimation for all governorates except Assuit.
The outputs showed that Agricultural provinces' estimations for
Giza, Beni Suif ,Menia. Sohag, Qena and Aswan governorates were
over estimated by 9%, .%,25%,31%,8%,52%, and 44%.respecti\lely ,
The estimation of Fayourn governorate was lower by 35%.
The Study designed illustrative tables for determining sample
units with different combination of Standard Deviation in Upper Egypt