An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of addition date palm
waste (mid rib of date palm. MOP and pinnae of date palm. PDP) to broiler diets
(starter!grov/er! finisher or g~ower! finisher or Finisher) on li,~ productive performance.
carcass characteristics and economical evaluation of broiler clucks. A total number of
480 one- week old male Hubbard broiler chicks were distributed equitably into 8
dielary treatments in 3 replicates of 20 birds each .Four experimental diets in each
period ( starting, growing and finishing) were formulated in which ( control diet) was
0.0% dale palm waste. in the other diets wheat bran WB , MOP and PDP were
incorporated at level of 5% to obtain basal diet 1, basal diet 2 and basal diet 3,
respectively. Control diet and basal diet 1were used in the whole experimental period
(control and T1). while basal diet2 and basal diet 3 were used in whole experimental
period (T2 and T5) or in growingl finishing period (T3 and T6) or in finishing period (T 4
and T7) respectively.
The results indicated that:
1- There were no Significant differences in body weight, feed intake . feed conversion
and mortality rate between chicks fed control diets. wheat bran diets (Basal 1), MDP
diets ( Basal 2) and PDP diets (Basal 3) in different growth periods.
2-Carcass characteristics indicated that added MDP in broiler chicks significantly
decreased dressing % (13) and breast % (T 4), but drumstick% signiflcanlly
increased (T2).
3- The results of chemical composition of white breast meat showed that, broiler
chicks fed MDP (13) or PDP (T7) gave significantly lower protein % compared with
those fed control diets.
4- The results of economical evaluation Showed that mid rib and pinnae of date palm
could be included at 5 % in broiler diets and the best feeding cost per (.9 gain was
recorded for broiter chicks fed pinnae of date palm (T5).