This study was designed to evaluate mature New-Zealand White (NZW) rabbit reproductivety as affected by different levels of Ganoderma® in diets. Animals were divided into three comparable experimental groups (16 sexual mature bucks and 52 mono-parous does in each). The first group was fed a commercial diet and kept untreated (control group), while the 2nd and 3rd groups (treated groups) were fed the same diets but supplemented with 200 and 400 g Ganoderma®/ ton diet, respectively. Results obtained showed that, feeding diet supplemented with different levels of Ganoderma® improved significantly (P≤0.05) libido and physical semen quality of bucks, while values of semen enzymatic activity were decreased significantly (P≤0.05) and sperm penetration into estrus cow cervical mucus significantly (P≤0.05) increased due to treatments. Diluted semen ejaculated by NZW rabbit bucks fed diet supplemented with different levels of Ganoderma® or/ and added with 1 ml Ganoderma® aquas extract/100 ml diluted semenrecorded significant (P≤0.05) increase in viability, quality and storagability, during the storage at refrigeration and incubation temperatures. Diluted semen ejaculated by rabbit bucks fed diet contained Ganoderma® and supplemented with Ganoderma® showed quality significantly (P≤0.05) better than that ejaculated by treated bucks and free Ganoderma®, followed by diluted semen of untreated bucks and free Ganoderma®, respectively. Physical semen quality and sperm penetration into estrus cow cervical mucus values significantly (P≤0.05) decreased and increased, respectively, with progressive of conservation time. Fertility traits of does represented in (rates of each of abortion, conception and kindling and values of each of litter size and weight at birth and at weaning, as well as, bunny weight at birth and at weaning were significantly (P≤0.05) better by adding different levels of Ganoderma® in diets. The improvement in parameters indicated fertilizing ability of bucks and fertility traits of does were arranged (P≤0.05) in descending order as recorded by 400, 200 then zero g Ganoderma®/ ton diet, respectively. While 400 g Ganoderma®/ton recorded insignificantly improvements in most studied parameters than 200 g Ganoderma®/ton.
In conclusion, NZW rabbit bucks or does feeding diets supplemented with different levels of Ganoderma® recorded significant (P≤0.05) improvement in all parameters studied, during mature period. This means that 200 g Ganoderma®/ ton diet is recommended for mature rabbits.