Twenty seven NewZealandWhite (NZW) rabbits with an average
live bodyweight (LBW) of2.07 kg ± 0.062 and 12 weeks old were divided
into nine similar groups (3 in each). The experimental groups were fed
randomly on one of the nine formulated experimental rationsused.The 1st
ration (R1) was used as a control, which contained: 10%yellowcorn +[
10 % barley + 13.7 % soybean meal +20 % wheat bran +40 % clover
hay+ 3 %molasses + 1%dicalciumphosphate + 1.2%limestone + 0.5
%sodiumchloride + 0.4%premix+ 0.2%methionine]. The substitution
was equal parts ofbarley and SBMby10%and 20%DDGS for ration2
(R2) and ration 3 (R3), respectively. The supplemented seaweed (SW) for
these rations was at two levels. The first level was by0.5%seaweed of the
total mixed ration for ration 4 (R4), ration 5 (R5) and ration 6 (R6). The
second level was by 1.0 % seaweed of the total mixed ration for ration 7
(R7), ration 8 (R8) and ration 9 (R9). All rations were in pelleted formand
nearly isonitrogenous and isocaloric.
The results of the present study revealed that the drymatter intake
was increased (P < 0.05) when feeding on R8 (10 % DDGS + 1 % SW)
(128.91 g/h/d) and R6 (20%DDGS+ 0.5%SW) (126.67 g/h/d) than the
other rations. The highest TDNI (g/h/d) (P < 0.05) values were obtained
in groups fed on R6 (20%DDGS+ 0.5%SW) or R8 (10%DDGS+ 1.0
% SW) being 90.18 and 91.40, respectively. The DEI (kcal/h/d) had also,
the same trend as TDNI, butDEI increased (P < 0.05) with feeding on R3
than feeding the other experimental diets, while the lowest value was
observed with feeding on R1.
The digestible crude protein intake to digestible energy (g/Mcal)
value was higher (P < 0.05) with feeding in R4 (42.51) than the other
rations, but feeding on R1, R5, R8 and R9 increased significantly (P <
0.05) the DCPI / DEI (g/Mcal) (41.19, 41.95, 41.01 and 41.21,
respectively) than feeding on R2 or R3 or R7 (40.32, 38.38 and 39.61
g/Mcal, respectively).
The DCFI / DEI (g/Mcal) value was higher (P < 0.05) with
feeding on R3 (22.46) than the other rations, while the other rations were
ranged from15.30 to 18.92 (g/Mcal).
The DEEI / DEI (g/Mcal) value was higher (P < 0.05) with
feeding on R3 (14.28) than the other rations, but feeding onR6,R8 andR9
(13.41, 13.25 and 13.89, respectively) were higher than feeding onR1,R2,
R4, R5, and R7 (6.70, 9.62, 8.78, 10.86 and 7.96, respectively).
The DNFEI /DEI (g/Mcal) values were decreased (P < 0.05)with
feeding on DDGS with or without SW. The highest values were observed
with feeding on R1, R4 and R7 (155.84, 148.46 and 154.65, respectively),
while the lowest values were with feeding on R3, R6 and R9 (135.06,
138.39 and 138.89, respectively).
Caecal pHvaried between 5.61 and 6.28. The pHvalues were not
significantly affected by the feeding programme. Ammonia – N
concentration was increased (P<0.05) with increasing the level of
supplemented SWin the rations. The mean values were (9.96, 13.06 and
17.12 mg/100 ml) for (0.0, 0.5 and 1.0 % SW, respectively).