In 2010 and 2011 seasons, Balady lime fruits received some post-harvest packaging treatments (i.e., 1- packaging in plastic nets as control, 2- packaging in 0.08% perforated polyethylene bags, 3- packaging in 0.008% perforated polyethylene bags, 4- packaging in sealed foam plate by polyethylene stretch and 5- packaging in sealed carton boxes by polyethylene bags at rate of 190 ± 10 g fruits/ liter). The fruits of all treatments were stored at 12±1°C and 90 – 95% RH for four cold storage periods (30, 60, 90 and 105 days) followed by 5 days at 20°C and 60-70 % RH (similar to supermarket conditions).
The progressive advanced cold storage period caused significant increases in chilling injury index (CII), fruit decay (FD%), fresh weight loss (FWL %), peel color index (PCI), Juice %, juice TSS %, technological index (TI) and TSS / acidity ratio. While, juice Vit. C and Juice acidity % were depressed with increasing cold storage either during cold storage or shelf life periods.
All tested packaging treatments decreased CII, FD%, FWL %, pulp firmness (PF), juice TSS % and Juice acidity %. On the contrary, packaging treatments increased PCI of fruits during either cold storage or shelf life periods. Moreover, packaging treatments caused significant decreases in TI as compared with control during cold storage. In addition, packaging treatments did not significantly affect on Vit. C as will as TSS / acidity ratio during cold storage or shelf life period.
Generally, results the obtained make possible to recommend packaging Balady lime fruits in 0.08 % or 0.008 % perforated polyethylene bags then storage under cold conditions of 12±1°C and 90 – 95% RH for 90 days period. These combined treatments reduced exhibiting chilling injury and decay on fruits during cold storage and during the subsequent shelf period.