Back ground: Patient rights have recently become the center of national attention in health care practice. aim : The aim of the study was to assess nurses and patients perceptions about patient's rights before and after implementation of training sessions for nurses in Port Said HospitalsSubject and Methods : Pre &post test design was used in this study in two different health care sectors (general & private).The subjects of this study consisted of two groups: Nurses group:-All nurses at selected hospitals inpatient units was included in the study with a total numbers (97).Patients group include 135 from two selected hospitals. Data were collected using questionnaire sheet containing three parts. First parts personal characteristics of nurses, second part structured questionnaire sheet for nurses about personal and job characteristics, finally questionnaire sheet for nurses and patients to assess patient's rights. Results: The main results of the study revealed that highly improvement (↑37. 5) in nurse's knowledge and perceptions about patient's rights after implementation of the educational sessions. More over, highly improvement in patient's perceptions regarding their rights. Also was detected follow implementation of sessions for nurses were statistically significant association between patient perceptions and their age. Recommendation: Based on the findings. It was recommended the following. On –job training and continuous education to enhance nurse's knowledge about patient's rights. Provision of posters & booklets about bill of patient rights within the hospitals available to see by nurses and patients.