There are many factors that affect guests' complaining behaviors as follows: guests' lack of knowledge about the accessibility of making complaints, perceived justice, and expected costs and efforts of complaining. This study aims to determine the effect of guests' awareness towards these factors on their complaint's behaviors. The study also aims to determine if there is a difference in guests' awareness towards the research variables backs to their demographic characteristics. In order to achieve these objectives, a questionnaire form was developed and directed to a random sample of guests in a five star hotels in Sharm El-Sheikh. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among them; only 377 forms (94.25%) were valid. The results indicated that guests have not knowledge enough about the entity they should go when they face a problem or bad service, and they didn't realize that there is justice in hotels towards complaints handling. The respondents usually take a great negative action through speaking to friends and relatives about their bad experience Based upon the findings, some recommendations were suggested and directed to hotel managements. One of the main recommendations was putting guidelines and instructions in clear places inside the hotel which direct guests to how delivering their complaints.
Guests' Awareness, Guests' Behaviors, Complaints, Sharm El-Sheikh Hotels
-Article Issue
Issue 3 (Special Issue)
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Original Research Articles
Publication Title
International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality
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The Relationship Between Guests' Knowledge Awareness and Their Behaviors in Submitting Complaints (Applied on a Sample of Five Star Hotels in Sharm El-Sheikh)