Negotiation is an essential skill for time management and it depends on the competence of the head
nurse as a negotiator. Negotiation is an everyday experience and it plays a major role in all aspects
of daily activities of the head nurses. Negotiation and time management are necessary management
tools that head nurses utilized to organize the management activities reasonably, in addition to
support their decision making. Aim: The current study aims to assess effect of negotiation skills
training program on head nurses' time management skills at Main Mansoura University Hospital.
Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized. The study was conducted at all
inpatient departments at Main Mansoura University Hospital (MMUH). The total sample was 100
head nurses (convenient sample). Three tools were utilized for data collection in this study, namely;
Negotiation Knowledge Questionnaire, Negotiation Process-Style Scale and Time Management
Questionnaire. Results: The major findings of this study indicated that the head nurses' had higher
negotiation knowledge and skill at post and follow up program as well as higher time management
skills. There was a positive correlation among head nurses' negotiation knowledge, skill and time
management skills. Recommendations: Periodical assessment of head nurses` knowledge to detect
the areas that need training to improve their negotiation and time management skills. Conduct
continuous education and training programs for refreshing and developing head nurses' knowledge
and skills about the negotiation. Encourage further application of this program not only for head
nurses but also to all nursing staff at all levels to improve their negotiation knowledge and skills as
well as to promote their time management skills