Background: Head injury is a trauma to the head that may or may not include injury to the
brain. Traumatic head injury (THI) is the leading cause of death and disability in young adults in the
developed countries. The aim of this study: was to assess nurses' Performance regarding caring of
Patient with traumatic head injury in Intensive care unit. Design: A descriptive exploratory study
Setting: the study was conducted in the intensive care unit (ICU) at Ain shams University Hospital.
Study Subjects: A convenience sample of nurses (No=40). Data collection tools: Nurses' Self-
administered questionnaire and Observational checklists of caring for traumatic head injury. Results:
Approximately seventy five percent of the studied nurses had unsatisfactory level about total
knowledge regarding caring of patient with traumatic head injury and eighty percent of the studied
nurses had satisfactory level regarding total practice about traumatic head injury, there was
statistically significant relation between total knowledge and total practice. Conclusion: Based on
the study findings, most of the studied nurses at intensive care unit had unsatisfactory level of
knowledge and satisfactory level about practice regarding caring for patients with traumatic head
injury in intensive care unit. Recommendation: Further studied was recommended to evaluate the
reflection of in-service training program regarding caring of patients with traumatic head injury in
intensive care units on nurses' performance and consequently on the patients' outcome.Orientation
and periodic in-service training program for nurses in intensive care units regarding caring for
patients with traumatic head injury for continuous updating their knowledge.
Intensive Care Unit, Nurses’ Performance, Traumatic head injury
Last Name
Ebrahim AbdELstar
Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing - Faculty of Nursing - Ain Shams University
Assistant- Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing - Faculty of Nursing - Ain Shams University
-Last Name
Hassan Abass Mohamed
-Affiliation Nursing - Faculty of Nursing - Ain Shams University
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Publication Title
Egyptian Journal of Health Care
Publication Link
Nurses 'Performance Regarding Patient with Traumatic Head Injury In Intensive care unit