Background: Disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society
involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts. The aim:
the study aimed to evaluate students' perception of disaster management in Benha University.
Research design: Descriptive research design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: The
study was conducted at 14Faculties at Benha University in Qaliubya Governorate. The Sample:
A systematic random sample was used in this study, it includes400 students from 4627. Tools: A
structured interviewing questionnaire to assess the socio- demographic characteristics. Students'
knowledge about the disasters, Students attitude about disaster, an observation checklist to
measure A: observe the presence of facilities and precautions for preventing the disaster. B:
Observe the plan used for preventing disaster in the faculty. Results: 65.5% of the students were
aged 18- < 20 years, 56.8% of them were female, 40.3% of the students had incorrect knowledge
about meaning of the disaster, 50.5% of the students had average knowledge, 56.5% of them had
average attitude, 42.8% of them had an average practice, 54.5% of the facilities had good
facilities, and 53.3% of them had a good plan. Conclusion: There was a highly statistically
significant relation between knowledge, practices and attitude and general characteristics in age
and sex, but there were no statistically significant relation between knowledge and general
characteristics in exposed to the crisis. There was no statistically significant relation between the
knowledge and the practices, but there was a highly statistically significant relation between the
knowledge and the attitude. Recommendations: Health education program should be given to
students about the disaster, its causes, classification and disaster management.