Essential hypertension is the most prevalent type of hypertension. It increases progressively
with age. Aim of study: Was to assess the effect of relaxation technique "Progressive Muscle
Relaxation (PMR)" in controlling anxiety among patients with essential hypertension. Design: A
quasi-experimental study design was utilized. Setting: It was conducted on 40 patients with
essential hypertension in the out-patient clinic of medical diseases - Ain Shams University
Hospital. Tools: 1) A Structured Interview Questionnaire (SIQ): That was designed by the
researchers based on recent local and international related literatures and articles, it was include,
the socio-demographic data of the studied sample which are; age, sex, marital status, etc., it was
also include the medical history and duration of illness, body mass index, blood pressure control
and previous attendance of any courses or programs regarding relaxation techniques. 2) Patient
Knowledge Questionnaire (PKQ): It was developed by the researchers to assess patients'
knowledge about relaxation techniques. 3) Taylor Anxiety Scale: It was designed by Janet Taylor
(1953) to assess level of anxiety. Results: There are highly statistically significant differences
were found between pre and post training of relaxation techniques regarding the relationship < /div>
between' level of anxiety and total knowledge of the patients. Conclusion: The implementation of
relaxation techniques had a positive effect on anxiety and blood pressure of patients with essential
hypertension. Recommendation: - Further research is required to study the effect of
implementing the developed self-care guide on such a group of the hypertensive patients.