Introduction: Cerebrovascular Background: Critical care nurses are expertly trained to care
for critically ill patients; however, many critical care nurses feel inadequately prepared to provide
end of life care to patients in the intensive care unit. The nurses attribute this to lack of support
and training on end-of-life care. The study aim was to assess effect of self-learning package (SLP)
on critical care nurses' performance regarding care for end of life patient. Methods, Design: To
achieve this aim a quasi-experimental design was utilized. Subjects and setting: A convenient
sample of 60 nurses was selected from surgical, medical and neurological ICU of Ain-Shams
university hospitals. Study results: Regarding demographic characteristics. This study revealed
that, 58.3% of the studied subjects were less than 30 years, 83.3% were female, 75.0% were
diploma nurses, 46.7% of them had ten or more years of experience, and 81.7% had no training
related to end of life care. Regarding knowledge and practice 15.0% & 23.3% respectively of the
study subjects had satisfactory knowledge and practice related to care for end of life patient in pre
phase, 80.0% & 81.7 % respectively in post implementation of self-learning package and 60.0%
&45% had a satisfactory knowledge and practice in follow up phase. While regarding attitude,
positive attitude was 5%, 80% and 55% respectively in pre, post and follow up phases
Conclusion: The current study concluded that there was highly statistically significant increase of
total score of nurses' knowledge, practice and total score of nurse's attitude pre/post, pre/follow
up and post/ follow up phases of SLP implementation. there was statistically significant positive
effect for SLP on nurses' knowledge, practice and attitude. Recommendations; conduction of
further researches in end of life care to enrich, improve, & update nurse's knowledge, practice and
attitude. Periodic in-services education program regarding end of life care and self-learning
package to be performed for patients are recommended.