يتناول هذا البحث سيرة الصّحابيّ قيس بن هبيرة المکشوح بن عبد يغوث المراديّ اليمنيّ الّذي تعرّض تاريخه للتّشويه من قبل الوضّاعين والرّواة المتعصّبين لقبائلهم على حساب الحقيقة التّاريخيّة، ويحرّر البحث نسب قيس المراديّ، وکنيته، ويفصل بينه وبين سميّه البجليّ، ويردّ عنه تهمة الرّدّة، ويثبت له شرف صحبة النّبيّ r الّتي طالما عمل بعض الرّواة على سلبها منه مع کثير من فضائله، وجعلوه متّهمًا في دينه، يرتاب منه الخلفاء والأمراء ويحذرون منه.
ويتتبّع البحث تاريخ الرّجل المشرّف، منذ وفادته على النّبيّ r، ومرورًا بدوره الجهاديّ العظيم، في محاربة المرتدّين، وفي فتوح الشّام، والعراق، وفارس، ونجدته للمسلمين في مواطن عظيمة، کاليرموک، والقادسيّة، ونهاوند، ويؤکّد البحث على تأمير الفاروق عمر t وأمرائه الکبار في الشّام والعراق لقيس المراديّ على الجيوش والفرق الکبيرة، بما يقطع بصحبته وثقة المسلمين فيه؛ لأنّهم في ذلک الزّمان کانوا لا يؤمّرون إلاّ الصّحابة، وقد اعتمدت الدّراسة على الرّوايات الأکثر وثوقًا، وطرحت أقوال المتّهمين بالوضع والعصبيّة القبليّة.
This research deals with the biography of Qais bin Hubaira al-Maqshouh bin Abd Yaghuth al-Muradi al-Yemeni whose history was distorted by the liars fanatical narrators of their tribes at the expense of the historical truth. The research edits the lineage of Qais al-Muradi, his nickname and separates him from his named after Al-Bajali, and refutes the charge of apostasy from him. Also , to prove the honor of the companionship of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, which some of the narrators have long tried to take away from him, along with many of his virtues . They made him accused of his religion, being suspicious by the caliphs and princes and warn against him. The research follows the history of the honorable man, since his coming to the Prophet, and through his great Jihad role, in fighting the apostates, in Fottouh al-Sham, Iraq and Persia, and his aid to Muslims in great situations, such as Yarmouk, Qadisiyah, and Nahawand. The research confirms that al-Faruq Umar, may God be pleased with him, and his great princes in al-Sham and Iraq gave Qais al-Muradi the power to take over the armies and large groups . That assures of his companionship to the Prophet and the confidence of Muslims in him. As at that time they were only gave the power to the Companions. The study has relied on the most reliable narrations and eliminated the statements of those accused of lying and tribal fanaticism.