Background: Asthma is a complex respiratory disease characterized by inflammation and reversible obstruction of the airways that can lead to diverse symptoms such as wheeze, breathlessness, chest tightness, and cough. Asthma affects approximately 350 million people from all age groups worldwide.
Objectives: This study aimed to assess the impact of bronchial asthma on the quality of life among children.
Patients and Methods: This study was carried out on 2763 child as a representative sample of children attending eight primary schools in El Menoufiya Governorate. Four schools of them are located inside Shebin El Koum city the capital of governorate and the other four schools are located in villages around the capital. Children were screened for chest symptoms by a questionnaire.
Results: there was significant relationship between asthma severity and eosinophilia. In intermittent asthma, 21.3 of children had eosinophilia, in mild persistent asthma, 50.9% of children had asthma, in moderate persistent, 70.3% of children had asthma and in sever persistent asthma 90% of children had asthma. The same occurred with increased bronchovascular markings in x-ray as 0% 0f children with intermittent asthma had bronchovascular markings. This percentage increased to reach 100% in children with severe persistent asthma.
Conclusion: pediatric asthma is considered a one of the most common chronic pediatric chest problems, which has its impact on a child's quality of life. By providing the necessary knowledge and skills, patients and family are encouraged to effectively manage the disease process and improve their quality of life.