ArticleAge, growth and reproductive biology of the keeled mullet Liza carinata from the Suez Bay, Red Sea, Egypt.
ArticleAge, growth and reproductive biology of the keeled mullet Liza carinata from the Suez Bay, Red Sea, Egypt.
ArticleReproductive biology of the Golden grey mullet Liza aurata (Risso, 1810) in Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt
ArticleReproductive biology of the Golden grey mullet Liza aurata (Risso, 1810) in Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt
ArticleAge, Growth and Mortality of Liza carinata Valenciennes, 1836 (Pisces: Mugilidae) in Bitter Lakes, Suez Canal, Egypt
ArticleAge, Growth and Mortality of Liza carinata Valenciennes, 1836 (Pisces: Mugilidae) in Bitter Lakes, Suez Canal, Egypt
ArticleReproductive Biology of the Common Sole, Solea solea in Southern East Mediterranean, Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt
ArticleReproductive Biology of the Common Sole, Solea solea in Southern East Mediterranean, Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt
ArticleReproductive biology of Siganus rivulatus (Forsskal, 1775) in the Red Sea, Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt
ArticleReproductive biology of Siganus rivulatus (Forsskal, 1775) in the Red Sea, Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt
ArticleMorphological, histological and ultrastructural studies on the testes of Liza carinata from the Suez Bay in correlation with its reproductive cycle
ArticleMorphological, histological and ultrastructural studies on the testes of Liza carinata from the Suez Bay in correlation with its reproductive cycle
ArticleSome biological aspects of 9 fish species from the Mediterranean coast, North Sinai, Egypt, with special reference to Grey mullet, Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)
ArticleSome biological aspects of 9 fish species from the Mediterranean coast, North Sinai, Egypt, with special reference to Grey mullet, Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)
ArticleDensity Effect of the Keeled Mullet Fish Liza Carinata on Some Reproductive Hormones and Some Heavy Metals With a Vision of the Mullet Production in Suez Bay.
ArticleDensity Effect of the Keeled Mullet Fish Liza Carinata on Some Reproductive Hormones and Some Heavy Metals With a Vision of the Mullet Production in Suez Bay.
ArticleReproductive biology of the small-scaled terapon, Terapon puta (Cuvier, 1829), from Lake Timsah, Egypt
ArticleReproductive biology of the small-scaled terapon, Terapon puta (Cuvier, 1829), from Lake Timsah, Egypt
ArticleReproductive Biology of the Spotted Sea bass, Dicentrarchus punctatus, in Bardawil Lagoon, North Sinai, Egypt
ArticleReproductive Biology of the Spotted Sea bass, Dicentrarchus punctatus, in Bardawil Lagoon, North Sinai, Egypt