Fundal height measurements are used frequently by nurse-midwives and community health nurse to determine whether uterine growth during pregnancy is progressing at a normal rate. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the four maternal positions on fundal height measurements and to determine which position was preferred by women and clinicians. This study was conducted at the two maternal and child health centers representing Shebin El-Kom City, Menoufyia Governorate during spring & summer 2000 for 9-month period. The sample comprised two hundred women who fulfilled the required criteria: gestational age: 21-36 weeks, non-obese pregnant women [pre-pregnant body mass index of less than 25 cm., and women consent to participate in the study. Fundal height measurements were obtained in each of the four positions: supine, trunk elevation, knee flexion, and trunk elevation with knee flexion position. Four clinicians [physician, clinical instructors of Faculty of Nursing and two certified nurse-midwives] were participated in the study. A structured interviewing questionnaire schedule was used for data collection. It included data related to women's pre-pregnant weight, present weight, height, gravidity, parity, and date of last menstrual period [for calculating gestational weeks]. Before measurements were obtained, the woman was instructed that she would be asked which position was the most comfortable to her after all measurements were completed. Also the woman was asked to void if she had done so within the last 30 minutes before measurement. Once all measurements had been obtained, each woman was asked to identify which position she thought was the most comfortable for fundal height measurements. Clinicians also recorded their own assessment of which position they thought was easiest to obtain the fundal height measurements. The results revealed; •1 Measurements obtained in the four positions were significantly Different. •2 Measurements obtained in the supine position were the largest measurements as compared to the other three positions & were significantly with the trunk elevation with knee flexion [t= 4.46, p < 0.01]. •3 The supine position was preferred to be the most easier for the measurements by the clinicians, which contrast women preference.