Herbicides and insecticides have been widely and intensively used inagriculture areas worldwide to enhance crop yield. However many pesticidescause serious environmental problems. In addition to the pesticides may alsohave some effects on the treated agricultural crops and soil cultivate withplants. The present study aimed to determine the effects of two pesticidesbelonging to different groups of chemicals, namely Gesparim as (herbicide)and Lambda-cyhalothrin as (insecticide) at recommended rates, on twospecies of bacteria. The effects of pesticides on total viable bacteria,
mutagenicity and gene transfer between bacteria were investigated inlaboratory experiments.The results showed that, total survival percentage (S%) bacterianumber was decreased and inhibited as compared with control when treated
by herbicide Gesaprim. At concentrate 3000μg/ml S% was greatly affectivereached 81 – 89 %. The corresponding picture was different in the case of theinsecticide Lambda-cyhalothrin where, total survival bacteria number was
normal as compared with control during incubation. At concentrate of 3000μg/mlLambda - cyhalothrin it gave low effect on S% which reached 91 – 97%. This means that the effect of all rates of the pesticides is suitable for the
growth of bacteria to some extent. Prophage F116 induction from differentP.aureginosaat concentration 500 – 3000 μg/ml explained that the Gesaprimhave a mutagenic activity this is higher as compared with Lambda-cyhalothrin
at concentration of 1500 – 3000μg/ml. Moreover, protein SDS-PAGEanalysis of P. aeruginosia strain PAo1 after treatment with the highest threeconcentrations of each pesticide 2000, 2500 and 3000 μg/ml as compared
with the control revealed the differences in their banding pattern which wasthe highest with Gesaprim. As well as possible genes can be transferred byconjugation. Conjugation frequencies ranged from 1.16 x10-3 to 9.4 x 10-4 and1.04 x10-3 to 9.0 x10-4 for each of Lambda - cyhalothrin and Gesaprimrespectively.