This study aimed mainly to identify the achievement motivation of villagelevelagricultural extension agents in Gharbia governorate; and to determinevariables correlated and those affecting the achievement motivation of villagelevel
agricultural extension agents in Gharbia governorate. Seven hypotheseswere formulated.Field work included the selection of a sample of 170 village level extensionagents. Data were collected from sample persons by group interviews in the
agricultural units at the district capital. Frequencies, percentages, means,Person correlation coefficient, Alpha, and multiple linear regression (stepwise) techniques were used for data analysis and presentation.The main findings of the study could be summarized as follows:-1- About 63.5% of respondents have high level of achievement motivation,
32.4% have medium level, and 4.1% have low level of achievementmotivation.2- There were significant bivariate relationships at level 0.05 of significancebetween extension experience, in-service training, and achievement
motivation of extension agents. Also there were significant bivariaterelationships at level 0.01 of significance between job satisfaction, mutualcooperation, centralization, reciprocal confidence, shared commitment, jobintegration, and organizational communication, and achievement motivation ofextension agents.3- The personal block of independent variables alone explained about 22.6 %of the variance in achievement motivation of extension agents, and the
organizational block of independent variables alone explained about 29.9% ofthe variance in achievement motivation of extension agents.4- The two blocks of personal and organizational variables, combined,explained about 35.4 % of the variance in achievement motivation ofextension agents.5- It was estimated that the unique effect of the personal block; and theorganizational block is 5.5 %; 12.8 %, of the variance in achievementmotivation of extension agents respectively. Whereas the common effect ofthe two blocks of variables is 17.1 % of the variance in achievementmotivation of extension agents.