Two field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farm of
Sakha Agric. Res. Station at the two successive growing seasons of
2013/2014 and 2014/2015 to study the effect of planting date, nitrogen level
and foliar spraying with calcium on yield and quality of sugar beet. Split – split
plot design was used in both seasons. Main plots contained the two sowing
dates (on 20 September, 18 October 2013 in the first season and on 25
September, 29 October in the second season) and three nitrogen levels (80,
90 and 100 kg N/fad.) were arranged in sub-plot whereas, the two calcium
rates (0 and 2 g/l.) were randomly distributed in sub– sub –plots. All
treatments were replicated three replications. Important findings could be
summarized as follows:
Resulted indicated that sowing sugar beet at early sowing date (on
September) significantly increased root dimension, root/top ratio, top yield as
well as root, sugar yields and extractability%.
Application of nitrogen at the rate of 100 N/fad. significantly increased
both root dimension, top, root and sugar yields. On the other hand, increasing
N rate up to 100 kg N/fad. tended to decrease both root/top ratio, purity%,
TSS% as well as sucrose and sugar losses in molas percentages.
Foliar spraying with calcium significantly affected root dimensions,
top, root and sugar yields as well as extractability% and TSS%.