ArticleFarmers' knowledge level of the extension recommendations to produce sugarcane in Luxor governorate, Egypt
ArticleFarmers' knowledge level of the extension recommendations to produce sugarcane in Luxor governorate, Egypt
ArticleTowards an Extension Program for Raising Farmer‘s Efficiency in The Area of Integrated Pest Management for Sugar can in Dishna & Qus District's, Qena Governorate
ArticleTowards an Extension Program for Raising Farmer‘s Efficiency in The Area of Integrated Pest Management for Sugar can in Dishna & Qus District's, Qena Governorate
ArticleObstacles to using agricultural extensionists for some applications of information and communication technology in extension work at Behaira Governorate
ArticleObstacles to using agricultural extensionists for some applications of information and communication technology in extension work at Behaira Governorate
ArticleKnowledge and practices of sugar cane growers about the use of waste from some villages Aswan governorate
ArticleKnowledge and practices of sugar cane growers about the use of waste from some villages Aswan governorate
ArticleDiffusion and Adoption of some Extension Recommendation among Farmers of Sugger Been Crop at Biyala District, Kafr El- Sheikh Governorate
ArticleDiffusion and Adoption of some Extension Recommendation among Farmers of Sugger Been Crop at Biyala District, Kafr El- Sheikh Governorate
ArticleFarmers' Knowledge of Integrated Pest Management Techniques of Sugar Beet Crop in Some Villages in El - Minia Governorate
ArticleFarmers' Knowledge of Integrated Pest Management Techniques of Sugar Beet Crop in Some Villages in El - Minia Governorate
ArticleAdoption of Farmers for Innovative Agricultural Technologies in Rice Cultivation at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
ArticleAdoption of Farmers for Innovative Agricultural Technologies in Rice Cultivation at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate