The present work was carried out during 2008 and 2009 years to investigate the possibility of utilization of natural raw mineral mixture (NRMM) and magnetite raw (magnetic iron) as a substitute for chemical fertilizers for feeding "Le Conte" pear trees planted in calcareous soil.The trial was conducted in Nubaria area El –Bohira Governorate.Trees were 7 years old, budded on communis rootstock and spaced at 4x5 m.apart. Eight treatments beside the control were used [4 NRMM treatments +4NPK treatments], all treatments, except the control were received magnetite raw as follows: 250, 500, 750, and1000gm /tree.
The comparison among NRMM and NPK treatments cleared the following points:
§ NPK treatments significantly increased shoot diameter in both studied years and shoot length in the first year only, while the differences for shoot number and leaf area were not statistically significant NPK treatments also, significantly enhanced leaf total chlorophyll (SPAD) in 2009.
§ NPK treatments induced high significant leaf N% in both studied seasons and leaf K% and P% in 2008 only.
§ NRMM treatments significantly increased leaf Mn and Zn in both growing seasons, while NPK treatments significantly enhanced leaf Fe in the two years.
§ NPK treatments induced significant high fruit yield/tree in the two seasons; meanwhile the differences between NPK and NRMM treatments for fruit quality were not statistically significant.
§ Increasing the applied rate of magnetite raw/tree significantly increased vegetative growth, leaf total chlorophyll, leaf mineral composition, yield and fruit quality.
§ Fruit analysis revealed that the heavy metals (cobalt, nickel and lead) were in the permissible limits.
§ The cost of the NPK treatments was nearly twice the cost of NRMM treatments. Using natural raw mineral mixture and magnetite raw as a substitute for chemical fertilizers for feeding "Le Conte" pear trees were reasonable but it needs more studies.